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Sin is NEVER Okay. Imperfection is.

I want to be exceedingly clear about this. The whole point of my blog is to TALK about sin and POINT OUT my sin. I am NOT trying to normalize sin, diminish sin, or suggest in anyway that it is okay to sin. Please don’t ever twist my words or read between the lines on this. Sin is like a bottle of ink. If you spill it on a rug or your clothes, that ink is never going away no matter how many times you wash it, scrub it, bleach it, etc. The damage is permanent. And let me tell you – I’m not about to mess around with a bottle of ink on the new rug we just got.

Sin is the same sort of thing. It is big and black and leaves lasting damage wherever it spills, no matter how small of a “spill” it is. The penalty for sin is death. But THANK GOD He sent His son to die for us. His SON. Would you ever offer up your own son as a sacrifice? I sure wouldn’t. I’d be going straight to hell if that was the alternative. But that is how serious sin is. It results in Jesus’s death, in place of our own. Rather than suffering the whippings and beatings and the pain of being nailed to a cross, Jesus did it for us. And God allowed it. How amazing. I’m truly speechless what I think about it. And guys, I hate to break it to you, but we were right there with a whip in our hands and banging the hammer against the nail.

So, no, sin is never, ever, EVER okay. That being said, we are all human. And I won’t speak for anyone else, but I know that I truly am, and always will be, a sinner. I need the forgiveness of my Savior just as much, if not more than, the next. And I believe that God has called me to bring all of my sins to light, and in doing so, it will hopefully show the world why they, too, need Jesus. In other words, the greater the sin, the greater the need for Jesus. And THAT is the real message. If it ever seems like I’m “celebrating” my sins, it’s not the sins themselves that I’m celebrating. I’m celebrating the fact that I have a Savior who atoned for my sins, and because of that, I get to live with Him forever in heaven.

And while we’re on the subject, let’s look at that last sentence. I/We get to live with Him forever in heaven. How amazing is that?! I didn’t have to do ANYTHING. This is not at all because of anything I’ve done here on Earth. In fact, I get to go to heaven DESPITE what I’ve done here on Earth. This literally makes me tear up just thinking about it. It makes me want to fall to my knees in humility and worship. Despite all of my flaws, my sins, I get to spend eternity with God. Wow. Just…wow!

So that brings us to imperfection. I have already covered this topic in a previous post “Sin verses Imperfection,” so I’m not going to repeat myself (or at least not too much…). Imperfection is more of a subjective word and can be defined differently based on society, culture, etc. What I consider to be an imperfection may not be an imperfection to you and vice versa. Sin is ALWAYS an imperfection, but imperfections are often not sin. So the big distinction here is that imperfection is TOTALLY OKAY! (As long as it’s not a sin.) Let’s go ahead and normalize imperfection. I’m all for it. And yes, I hope that by showing you guys all of my imperfections, you’ll feel like you can be imperfect too!

Let me know what you guys think in the comments!

To God be ALL the Glory!

Love, Grace

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