• Blog - Story

    My Story Part 1 – The Beginning

    Disclaimer: Some names, dates, and other minor details have been changed and/or omitted for the purposes of anonymity for myself as well as others involved. I can assure you that everything else – the good, the bad, and the imperfect – are true. My first memory is of pooping in my pants. I was about 2 and 1/2 or 3 years old, and I needed to poop, but for reasons only toddlers can explain, pooping in the toilet isn’t all that appealing. So I was standing right outside our powder room door, doing the potty dance, screaming to my mom,…

  • Blog - Story

    My Story – Introduction “The Call”

    It was June 14th, 2022 at 8:30pm give or take a few life-altering minutes. A few days earlier, I was at my parent’s house. They live about 30 minutes away, and my mom had been watching my oldest son, TJ, that day while I was at work, so I was there to pick him up. My sister, Margaret, was also there, as well as my brother, William. Michael, our other brother, showed up around the same time I got there. It was the first time in a long time that all four of us siblings were under the same roof,…

  • Background - Blog - Featured - General

    Listening to God

    Last time I said that it is my mission to eliminate this whole idea that we are meant to strive for perfection. Let me explain how this all came about. For the last several years, I have had a love-hate relationship with social media.  Mostly hate, to be perfectly honest. I have never liked scrolling through Facebook or Instagram and seeing all of my friends and acquaintances posting about how “perfect” their lives were. Sure, to be perfectly honest, I was jealous. I felt like they were living amazing, fun, perfect lives, and I was sitting there in my sweats,…

  • Background - Blog - Featured - General

    Imperfection verses Sin

    What is the difference between being imperfect and being a sinner? I want to make this distinction before we move on because the two terms are not exactly equal. Imperfection is largely subjective. It changes with the times, amongst different socioeconomic groups, and even from person to person. Essentially, imperfection (at least the kind we’re talking about here) is anything that is other than the way you intend or anything that falls short of any person’s standard of “perfection.” Perfection, therefore, can also be subjective. When I talk about imperfection on this blog, I’m primarily talking about societal norms in…

  • Background - Blog - Featured - General

    Why Perfectly Imperfect?

    Before I begin my actual blog, I wanted to explain the meaning behind it all.  Why did I come up with the name Perfectly Imperfect? What is this blog all about? First and foremost, this is a Christian blog. My main goal is to lead people to Christ by showing the world (or anyone who reads this) just how desperately I, myself, NEED Jesus.  If I can lead just ONE person to Christ, I will consider this blog a success. Why do I so desperately need Jesus, you might ask? Well, to put it simply, it’s because I am so…